Tuesday, February 26, 2013
As if you don't already know, Crazy Spirit are the cream of the crop when it comes to punky HC. Imagine Dick Dale imitating Greg Ginn, backed up by Honor Role and fronted by a miniature Blane Fart... but faster. (I know, shut up!) On their recent S/T Lp, gleefully inventive, Spy Vs. Spy guitar riffs dangle from pepped up punk drums and winding bass like spittle off a small dog's tongue. Congested, ghoulish vocals toss among this memorable mess like a peanut trapped in a bubble bounce. This music is F. U. N! Not an ounce of your daddy's tough-guy shit from '89. More like what grandma listened to back in '81. CS manage to pull it off in a way that seems totally fresh and all their own. Can't stress enough, I absolutely need everything they put out. You do too! Because... CS = fun! :)